Saturday, May 4, 2013

Writers Blog... 

Writing comes naturally to many people in the world.  The problem is that it can become a struggle.  Some call this Writers Block.  Others call it uninspired.  I like to think of it as the middle of my story.

It's funny that everytime I sit down to write a new story it flows out like a river going down hill, but somehow my river always ends up in a valley.

What can I do to get my now lake built up enough to start flowing again?

Well, I'm going to try and write a blog.  Maybe this will fill my lake so that my river starts to flow and perhaps I can finally finish my book.  If this doesn't help then perhaps it will at least provide some entertainment for people.

This is going to be completely fictional for now on.  Nothing I say is going to be the truth of my life or anything in my life, or anyone elses life.  This will become nothing but pure fiction.  The reason for this is because I can't seem to ever write about myself or my day.  It's too dull and too boring.

So, take everything you read as fiction and we'll be on a common ground.  If you take this blog as being real, you're going to think I'm a complete and total psychopath, or socialpath, or just plain crazy.

Fiction is the key to this blog without it, you won't understand a word of it.

+Suzanne Palmieri and +Gina Miel Heron are both writers and maybe we can help one another out with Writers Block...   It's worth a shot anyway.